Monday, October 26, 2020

Change of Plans

 Hubby and I have been hoping for a few weeks that we could arrange to take our crew to Denver for a one-night overnight.  We decided to plan it for the weekend after Lee Lee's birthday because it would just be a fun way to finish up her birthday and have a little getaway as a family.

We really have stayed up since March, and our crew was OVERJOYED at the prospect of a night in a hotel.

We took these pictures on Vail Pass Saturday on the drive.

We knew snow was expected on Sunday, the day we were coming home, so we kept our eyes on the forecast and packed warm clothing, boots, and winter coats.

By Saturday afternoon, the weather forecasters were increasing the amount of snow predicted every hour, and so we made the call to reserve our hotel room for Sunday night as well and not try to get home (over two passes and through canyons) during the expected blizzard.

We are SOOO glad we made that call.

Rifle got hit SO hard with this autumn blizzard.  The interstate was closed multiple times.  We heard stories of our streets being complete ice and people having to abandon vehicles and walk home from church.

Our district also called a snow day tomorrow -- which this year means a distance-learning day.

Here are some pictures of the snow in Denver on Sunday -- not much but it snowed ALL day and it was COLD -- well below freezing (around 17* but felt like 4*).

Oh, Colorado... we love you!

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