Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Hunter Birth Story -- Part IV

Just recently I realized that I never really finished sharing about Hunter's birth story.  I mean, I did... he was officially born in Part III... but there really is a little more after that.

We left off with my just having delivered Hunter, very quickly after Hubby arrived at the Hospital.  Within ten minutes of Hubby's arrival to the hospital to be exact.

I moved to the hospital bed to regroup a minute and hold him while the midwife made sure everything had gone smoothly... but Hunter (who at this point was just Baby Boy Miller), Hubby and I did not take much time to relax.

When our baby boy was born, nothing really slow down because at 5:15 PM, we realized we could have the children come and meet their new brother that evening if we acted fast.  We made the decision to ask my parents to drive to the hospital since they would be driving right past Glenwood Springs on their way to Rifle, and we asked the Babysitter’s mother to drive our kiddos up from Rifle to meet their new sibling. 

We knew it would be a late night for our kiddos, and we would be forever indebted to our sainted baby-sitter and her mother, but we really wanted our children to be the first ones to meet their sibling and learn if it was a brother or sister.  Also, by the children and my parents coming up Friday night, we could all relax and sleep in on Saturday morning.

Hubby ran to the party store to buy some blue confetti so we could do a gender reveal, and I worked on getting showered, and dressed and moved to a residential room so I would be settled when the kiddos arrived.

My parents and the kids arrived probably shortly after seven and we got to introduce Hunter Miller to his older siblings and my parents.

When we introduced Hunter to his siblings and my parents, we did not yet have a middle name for him.

We had a wonderful time with the little ones and my parents, and our sweet baby-sitter and her mother who brought our children to meet their baby brother.

The baby-sitters even changed the kids into the special outfits I had for them to wear to the hospital, and they fed them dinner, and handled everyone as smoothly as you could imagine -- probably better than Hubby and I do.

We let the kids FaceTime their Miller cousins and announce the arrival of their baby brother, Hunter, and thankfully, they have so much family on that side that all of our children got to announce Hunter's arrival on at least one phone call.

Hunter did not not have middle name until later that night... but that is a story for another post.

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