Monday, June 1, 2020

Hand-Me-Down Dresses

While our kiddos live in hand-me-downs, there really are not that many outfits that start with Tracey and work their way down to Lee Lee.

For one thing, I was still finding my style when I bought clothing for Tracey... still learning what worked well for play clothes and what styles I would let my children wear.  Also, my kids are hard on clothing -- that's why we buy them cheap.

In addition, since Howard and Caroline were twins, I think some of the cute outfits I got were when people bought an outfit for Howard, and then they bought one for Caroline too.

Then, sometimes there are dresses that Tracey wore, but they were packed away and just didn't get out of storage in time for Caroline to wear it.  Or really sweet dresses that were given to Tracey, but they were too small for her, or her size didn't work with the season.  There really are not THAT many that all three girls wear and I have photos to document it.

That being said, there are two dresses that were given to Tracey when she was a toddler that are just so completely adorable, and they have survived being passed down to Caroline and now Lee Lee.

It has been fun to find some old pictures of the girls wearing them and compare how sweet they look.

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