Friday, January 31, 2020

40 Odd Things

40 odd things about me . . . 
Borrowed from Facebook

1. Do you put ketchup on a hot dog? 

2. Choice of soda? 
Diet Coke... and La Croix

3. Do you own a gun? 
I plead the 5th... and the 2nd.

4. Can you swim? 
Yes!  Very well.

5. Hot dogs or cheeseburger? 

6. Favorite type of food? 
Chinese food, Southern Food -- or food someone else cooked

7. Do you believe in ghosts? 
The Holy one!

8. What do you drink in the morning? 
Water and Coffee! 

9. Can you do 100 pushups? 
Probably not simultaneously -- but throughout the course of the day, yes.  Actually, now that I think about it, 2.5 months postpartum, probably not -- and definitely not the "good" pushups.  Mine would have to be on my knees until I get my strength up.

10. Summer, Winter, Spring, or Fall? 
I usually love the season I'm in, and am looking forward to the next one around the corner.  Right now is no exception, I am loving winter and especially enjoying all these snowy days... and I'm beginning to get excited for Spring in a few months.

11. Your favorite hobby? 
My children are my hobby.  Other than caring for them... breastfeeding is my hobby (and I get to watch Netflix when I do), and blogging.  Driving could also be my hobby.  I drive a lot -- both in motherhood and for work.

12. Tattoos? 
I plead the 5th again.

13. Do you wear glasses?
Only sun glasses.

14. Do you have a phobia? 
I am afraid of spiders and snakes... I'm not really a fan of many reptiles to be honest.

15. Do you have a nick name? 
Mama, and Babe -- once upon a time, Brookie

16. Three favorite drinks? 
Water, La Croix, Coffee

17. Biggest downfall? 
I really like sweets -- too much

18. Rain or Snow? 

19. Can you change a tire? 
Yes, but not without consulting my car's owner's manual, and maybe watching a youtube video as I'm doing it.

20. Favorite flower? 
Daisies and Roses

21. Can you drive a stick? 
Yes, but it would be a very rough ride.

22. Ever gone skydiving? 

23. Kids?
Five in less than six years.
Girl, Boy, Girl, Girl, Boy

24. Favorite color? 

25. Employed? 
Yes - full time teacher of the blind

26. Can you whistle? 

27. Where were you born? 

28. Siblings? 
Two half siblings (that does not equal one whole sibling)

29. Surgeries? 
Oral surgeries in middle school

30. Shower or bath?
Shower daily - Bath rarely to relax

31. Last song you listened to? 
Do-Re-Mi from The Sound of Music

32. Broken bones? 

33. How many TVs are in your house? 

34. Worst pain? 

35. Do you like to sing? 

36. Are your parents still alive? 

37. Do you like camping? 
Yes -- in a camper.

38. What do you enjoy binge-watching? 
Netflix shows while breastfeeding.  So far since Hunter was born, I have watched the new season of The Crown, the new season of Fuller House, Mad Men, and I'm almost finished with Grace and Frankie.

39. Pumpkin or pecan pie? 
They are both very delicious... but I'll have to go with French Apple

40. Someone who will play along? 
No one I know

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