Sunday, January 5, 2020

Cousin Fridah

As you know by now, our children have a lot of cousins on Hubby's side of the family, and they are all very close in age.

Howard and Caroline were in St. Louis for their birthday, so the whole family sang happy birthday to them after dinner on New Year's Eve, and then the whole extended family was together and sang to them on New Year's Day.

As I'm looking back at pictures taken during our trip, cousin Fridah (pronounced Free-dah) who is two years old and the youngest of the Rodriguez crew made sure she was right next to Howard and Caroline and the cake and candles every time it was brought out.

The first time the cake and candles came out, Memaw actually blocked her from blowing out Howard and Caroline's candles.

The second time, Howard had learned.  He saw her creeping closer to the cake, and he physically body blocked her from blowing out the candles (while her father and I were saying her name and telling her "No!" Those candles were not for her).

Cousins are awesome and big families rock!

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