Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Preggers V: 24 Weeks

24 weeks, Baby Number 5
in Badlands National Park, South Dakota

24 Weeks with Tracey 
24 Weeks with the twins- first update in our own home!

No documentation of 24 weeks with Addallee, but here's 21 weeks.

How far along?  24 weeks, 2 days

How I am feeling? Well, still sick, unfortunately.  I have this lingering cough and it is just doing a number on me.  I'm not sure how much the pregnancy is impacting my recovery, but I feel worse now than I did last week -- although that could be because last week I was in Michigan, with my parents' help and now I'm back in Colorado with less help.

How big is the baby?  The size of an ear of corn or as big as a cantaloupe... 11.8 inches long, 1 1/4 pounds

Sleep: Sleep is amazing.  I love sleep.

Boy/Girl Predictions:  Yes, I predict the baby is a boy or a girl.  Although, I don't think I mentioned in my last post that when we were in Michigan, I had a very vivid dream that the baby was a girl, but now one would tell me she was a girl.  The nurses went ahead and dressed her in pink with frills and put her hair in pigtails.  So I'm looking at this frilly, very girly baby, and I look at Hubby (in my dream), and I say, "Just tell me," to which Hubby replied (in my dream), "I just can't say it."
That was a funny dream.

Baby Nicknames: Baby.
  Best moment this week:  The four day road trip cross country with our little crew.  We had so much fun trekking from Michigan, across Lake Michigan, through Wisconsin and Minnesota and exploring some fun national parks, monuments and tourist traps in South Dakota and Colorado on our way home.  This really was a wonderful summer.

Food cravings:  Yes.  I crave food.

Movements:  Yes, and I love them.  The twins are still trying to feel them, but I'm noticing them more and more throughout the day, not just at night.

Labor Signs:  Not yet, thankfully.
Missing:  Lungs that don't cough.  Coughing fits are awful and even worse when pregnant.

General Attitude: Trying to focus on getting better because I'm definitely operating at half speed or less... which is hard for my family.  Things really run most smoothly when I am top of my game.  So trying to do what I can this week to keep our trains moving while prioritizing rest and health.

 What I am looking forward to this week:  The Garfield County Fair is going on this week, which our children always enjoy, and I'm just trying to savor these final weeks before the kids are back in school and I'm back to work full time.  I have projects I want to get done, and I want to enjoy the time with the kids while its still summer.

Milestones: I've officially reached the stage where I have to ask people to slow down a little bit when we're walking together.  Usually I set a very brisk pace... but now I can tell I'm slowing down because I feel like other people are rushing ahead.

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