Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Preggers V: 22 & 23 Weeks

I've been feelin guilty for being a week behind with my pregnancy posts... but in looking back for comparison pictures from Tracey, the Twins, and Lee Lee -- turns out around 22 weeks is when I seem to consistently have a hard time posting my pregnancy update.  With the twins, I skipped 23 weeks, and with Lee Lee I skipped from 21 weeks to 31 weeks.  Wow, Major Fail!

23 weeks, 2 days Baby Number 5
here is a picture from 23 Weeks from the Chicago Aquiarium

and 22 Weeks in Michigan


23 Weeks with Tracey 

22 Weeks with the Tracey

22 Weeks with the twins

No documentation of 22 or 23 weeks with Addallee, but here's 21 weeks.

How far along?  23 weeks, 2 days

How I am feeling? Better than I was last week.  I came down with a cold right as we arrived in Michigan and that was no fun last week.  Especially hard was trying to stay away from medicine.  Branson was a lot of fun, but I could tell the constant swimming was a workout -- I usually felt like jello by the end of the day.  A few aches and pains... usually in my lower back by the end of the day but nothing major.


How big is the baby?  The size of a grapefruit... 11.3 inches long, 1.10 pounds


Sleep:  I'm sleeping well despite not being home in my own bed.

Boy/Girl Predictions:  I'm not making any claims but it very fun to hear our family discuss the likelihood of boy or girl predictions.

Baby Nicknames: Tracey mentioned the other day that we should name the baby "Violet" if its a girl.  Just yesterday, my mom mentioned something about their friend, "Buzz" and Howard immediately responded to that name -- that he knows a "Buzz" -- meaning "Buzz Lightyear" from ToyStory 4.  So now we're starting to talk about a nickname of "Buzz" for the baby if it's a boy.  That would be pretty awesome, in my opinion.  First, Middle and Last name... but nicknamed "Buzz" straight out of the womb.
  Best moment this week:  Branson was great -- some really great times with family, but my favorites probably involved the resort water slide and swimming with my kiddos off the boat.  Its always great watching the kids with their cousins.  Best moments in Michigan have been swimming, or maybe going to the zoo.

Food cravings:  Protein!  I get really hungry for protein.


Movements:  Yes, and I love them.  Tracey finally felt the kicks for herself, but Howard and Caroline have not yet -- they've tried but either the baby stops moving, or they can't feel the movements that are happening.

Labor Signs:  Not yet, thankfully.
Missing:  Addallee keeps climbing out of her cribs... so I'm missing easier bedtimes.

General Attitude: Enjoying time away from Colorado, with family and staying off of email and facebook as much as possible.

 What I am looking forward to this week:  Last week in Michigan and a great trip home through several National Parks.

Milestones: Tracey feeling the baby move was a cool milestone.

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