Sunday, February 17, 2019

Daddy Daughter Princess Ball 2019

Last night was our town's second annual Daddy Daughter Princess Ball, and it was so much fun.  Our girls when with Hubby last year, and they have been crossing off days on the calendar since Near Year's eagerly anticipating this date night with their daddy.  Here was the picture of them leaving last year...

As a mom, there are so many things I enjoy about an event like this, but one is, just like their Daddy is teaching them how a gentleman should treat them, and how they should behave on a special date, I get to teach my girls how to get ready for a special date.  Our activities for the entire day revolved around getting ready for this special date, and it was so much fun.

The girls had to take a nap yesterday afternoon (which they never do anymore) because they were going to be up so late that night for such a special event.  As soon as they woke up from their naps, we began getting ready for the dance.

They tried on their dresses just to make sure that everything was ready to go, and decided how they wanted their hair fixed.  Then, they took off their dresses and put on bathrobes while we painted their nails, did their hair and had dinner.  That way nothing would happen to their fancy dresses during those messy activities.

 Lee Lee saw that the big girls were wearing jewelry and took it upon herself to outfit herself with two necklaces and a bracelet while Tracey and Caroline were having their nails painted.

Dinner was frozen pizza and fruit snacks, which was such a treat for them.  We didn't feel the need for Hubby and the girls to eat a restaurant this year when they were really just excited about the dance, and by eating at home, they got to arrive at the dance as soon as it started before it was really crowded.

Also, Hubby had been gone for a few days at a work conference, so when he came to the door, he had flowers for all of his dates for the weekend -- a yellow rose for Tracey, a pink rose for Caroline, and a bouquet of red roses for me.  The girls (and Howard) had fun arranging their special flowers in vases during dinner.

After dinner, the girls got in their dresses and got to accessorize their outfits with shoes, purses, and necklaces, and we took all kinds of pictures as they got ready to leave.  The purses the girls chose to use were from their dress-up clothes, and Tracey choose a purse that belonged to my grandmother, and Caroline happened to choose a purse that belonged to Hubby's mom... so that's kind of cool.

Hubby thinks the dance was a little smaller than last year, but the girls (and he) had a ball.  They got sparkly crowns, they danced with their daddy, they had their pictures taken, they saw lots of friends, and they met some princesses -- one of whom is their dance teacher, so that was really special for them.

Howard and I had a "date" at home.  He helped me put Lee Lee to bed, and held her hand while she got eye drops in her eyes.  Then, he got to put the soap in the dishwasher and push all the buttons himself (a treat that doesn't happen when his sisters are around).  Then, he helped me feed Lexie.  The final big treat of the evening was that he got to eat two cookies for dessert and play on the iPad while he and I cuddled just the two of us.

That might not seem like a big deal, but for this little boy with sisters older, younger, and the same age, that was a pretty special night for the two of us.

What a fun night!

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