Saturday, February 23, 2019

A Week of Illness

This week we have been taken out one person at a time by illness.  I think this must be the flu... but we all got our flu shots, so they have been REALLY mild if in fact it is the flu.  But its been aches, exhaustion, and vomiting for an average of 24 hours per person.  

We have had illnesses before as family but this was the first time it literally hit one person every day for a week.

Saturday - Hubby
Sunday - Hubby and Caroline
Monday - Tracey
Tuesday - Addallee
Wednesday - Howard and Caroline
Thursday - Mama
Friday - Caroline

All that to say, I don't realize how active we are as a family until we are taken out of commission by illness.  I've looked back at my phone over the past few days and I find a lot of pictures taken from a distance -- which means I was laying on the couch and took the pictures of the kids while I was laying down. 

On Thursday, as I could barely keep my eyes open, the kids got their own apples and pretzels it was nice to know they could survive without me if they had to.

Weeks like this one makes me so grateful for how healthy we stay most of the time because when someone is sick, it just changes everything for our whole family.  Work, play, eating, sleeping, school... everything is different when our family is sick.

We're Praising God that we seem to be on the mend.

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