Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Touched My Heart

I love Christmas cards and letters from friends, especially dear friends miles away with whom I do not speak very often.

I read a letter from one such friend the other day and I loved the way she ended her letter.  She, like I, has four children although two of hers are older than my crew.  Her 3rd is the same age as Tracey and her youngest is the same age as Lee Lee.

Here is how she ended the Christmas letter.  It touched my heart.  So as not to share her children's names, I altered a few parts of her letter so as not to use the children's names.

 Too tired to figure out how to close this epistle and coming up against the eleventh hour (hello Christmas Eve Eve).  I asked for help with summer up 2018.

"I gave 2018 my all" - Her Husband

"The Farm." - Her eight-year-old daughter referencing a two-day trip to the North East

"The Farm." - Her six-year-old son copying his older sister

"Mama" - Her 1.75-year-old daughter... and my friend writes following this quote (All. the. time.)

"Jesus." - Her four-year-old daughter 

Much like she reminds me to "stay focused, Mommy" as we enter Target, and I veer towards the clothes despite professing a need for laundry soap, my four-year-old reminds us where our hope and joy is found.  Stay focused, loved ones... our Savior reigns.

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