Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Here and Now Autumn 2014

Here and Now...

Making:  Time to exercise -- I average 4-5 times per week

Cooking:  Fish and veggies (and sometimes pizza) -- oh, I cooked applesauce for canning last weekend
Drinking:  Sparkling juice or cider when I feel like feeling festive -- and half regular/half decaf coffee in the morning
Reading:  Audiobooks -- do those count as reading?  I just started Somewhere Safe With Somebody Good -- the newest Mitford book, and I'm also loving the books by Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar
Wanting:  To keep my house cleaner -- its part of being the wife and mother I want to be

Looking: Forward to these next eight weeks -- Autumn, Halloween, November, December, the wedding of my best friend from childhood, seeing my parents in New York and Colorado, seeing Chris' parents in Colorado, Chris going hunting, Thanksgiving, and then Advent, and the Christmas season -- and all of these joyful events made even MORE JOYFUL by the presence of our precious baby girl!
Playing:  The harp... or trying to these days.
Wasting:  Avocados more often than we would like -- they are not ripe, not ripe, not ripe, perfectly ripe, too ripe, too ripe, too ripe.  We have to be really vigilant about remembering to find and use the ripe window

Sewing: Memories?
Wishing:  For my time at home taking care of Hubby and Tracey Ann to feel incredibly long, and my time working away from home to fly by.

Enjoying: Every minute with my precious nine-month-old baby girl.  Where has the time gone?  Just yesterday I felt her kicking my belly for the first time... and now she's crawling and pulling up and standing and walking between furniture (while she's holding on to things)... I need time to SLOW DOWN!
Waiting: On the Lord's guidance and timing for letting me stay home full-time
Liking:  How much Hubby loves his new job -- and how good he is at his new job.  He handles middle schoolers who have made poor choices so well, and it makes me fall more in love with him when I see him supporting kids so well
Wondering:  How many licks it takes to get to the Tootsie-Roll center of a Tootsie-Pop
Loving:  My husband and baby girl.  I am so incredibly blessed.
Hoping:  For a fun time this weekend with Hubby and Tracey Ann -- perhaps a pumpkin patch, and a football game
Marveling:  At how joyful our world is with Tracey Ann in it.  No matter what happened at work, this joyful baby girl smiles and laughs and claps her hands and is SO excited to see me when I get home -- anything that happened at work has flown out of my head as soon as I see her smiling face
Needing:  A cleaning woman

Smelling:  Hand-lotion at the moment
Wearing: Really comfy pajamas

Following:  #DuggarIDo on twitter -- Jill got married last night

Noticing:  How handsome my husband is looking these days
Knowing:  That I should be eating less carbs and more lean meats and veggies -- I'm working on it
Thinking:  About the future of our family and wondering where God will Lead
Bookmarking:  Many of Michelle Duggar's thoughts on motherhood
Opening: Thieves oil to put on my feet, trying to boost my immune system
Giggling:  Not all that often...
Feeling:  Like its time for bed... sweet sleep
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