Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Hanging Lake

Chris and I spent one of our sunny spring break days playing near Eagle River and hiking Hanging Lake.

Here is Chris making his way on to a mid-river boulder... in flip-flops.

King of the River... at least King of my Heart!

We changed for the icy, muddy, cold but sunny hike to Hanging Lake.

We're near the top...

I'm coming!

This is my favorite spot... Hanging Lake is down below and it is such a peaceful place. In the summer, I love bringing a book and a lunch here.

My favorite spot with my favorite Man!

Do you recognize this bird? It looks like a Blue Jay in this picture, but it actually had a really black head and bright blue body... we had never seen one like it.

Hanging Lake behind us

You can see in this shot the cliff above the lake where the "favorite spot" pictures were taken.
Isn't this lake beautiful?!?! It's even bluer at different times of the day and year.

What a great time!

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1 comment:

  1. I love that you have a skiing post and a hanging lake post back to back. You gotta love Spring time!


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