Monday, April 27, 2020


I can tell my opinions and my reactions are changing as I age.

For my entire life, I have loved the news that someone -- really anyone is having a baby.  Anytime a character on a tv show announced she was having a baby, my eyes would tear up as I joyfully celebrated with her character.

Almost irregardless of the plot line of the show or movie -- drama, comedy, expected pregnancy, or not, I was so excited for that character.

A few months ago, Hubby and I were watching an episode of Modern Family.  One of the couples on the show has a daughter who is in high school and were unexpectedly given the option of adopting a son.  They had adopted their daughter when she was a baby, and the agency kept their file open or something like that.

The couple struggled for an episode as to whether they could adopt another baby at this point in their life, and ultimately decided to adopt the baby boy.

When that episode ended, I looked at Chris and shared with him that I most be changing because when they made the decision to adopt the baby when their daughter was in high school, my reaction in my head was, "OH MY GOODNESS, that would be such a nightmare."

I have NEVER EVER in my life had that reaction to a fictional couple finding out a baby is on the way.

The truth is, I have alway known I wanted a big family -- and I always knew what excitement I would have when I found out I was pregnant.

Hubby and I love that our children are close in age -- it is A LOT of work, but we really want them to grow up with similar interests, and similar developmental stages.  We have both agreed that when the time comes that our family is complete, when we decide we are done having children WE WILL BE DONE!

We want to make sure it is a decision we are both fulfilled and content with... but when that time comes, we will joyfully move on to another stage of life and leave the pregnancy and new baby stage behind forever.


That is big progress for me to show that our new baby days will have an expiration date and it will even be reflected in my reaction to plot lines in fictional sitcoms and dramas.

For now, though... this baby stage is pretty awesome:

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