Saturday, April 25, 2020

New Friend

So... yesterday, for the first time since March 13, we ran a family errand.  There was a store in Grand Junction that Hubby and I both needed to be there in person to accomplish our errand.

So, we decided that less people would be out and about on a Friday than the weekend, so we loaded up our suburban for the first time in over a month -- clearly we're rusty because Lee Lee made it out the door and all the way to the store before we noticed she didn't have any shoes.

We had masks for everyone except Hunter, we had hand sanitizer in the car, and I told the kids not to touch anything about 100 times.

The kids did well staying close, minimizing our time in the store, not messing with their masks for the most part, and remembering how to behave outside of the house.

They did make a new friend at the store, and it was the sweetest thing.  Our kids were huddled by our cart, where we had told them to stay, and a little boy and his family came up near to where we were -- about six feet away.  The little boy was watching a show on a phone, and he stayed six feet away, but turned the phone around so our kids could see what he was watching.

It was such a sweet gesture of child-like friendship, but also still understanding the reality of social distancing.  (I blurred out his face because this isn't a person that we know and I wanted to respect privacy).

I never could have imagined this world for my children -- telling them to wear a mask, not to touch anything, and stand away from other people... but I also want them to remember this because I hope and pray that someday this will be nothing more than a memory and they will never take good health and modern medicine for granted.

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