Monday, February 3, 2020

Oh Yeah

Oh Yeah...

And we are feeling this very keenly at the moment --

I head back to work this week, which means more exposure to tons of germs.
Tracey is currently on antibiotics for strep throat.
We are currently monitioring Lee Lee for an ear infection (not on medicine yet, but just pain management hoping that it clears up on its own).
Everyone is fighting coughs and runny noses
and our poor Hunter was in the ER yesterday for treatment for some respiratory viruses and an ear infection.  He was in so much pain (inconsolable crying for hours) that we had no choice but to take him in to try to learn what was wrong -- answer, two respiratory viruses, and an ear infection.  Now being treated with antibiotics.

So... yeah...


1 comment:

  1. So hard to see a little one sick! Praying everyone gets well soon. We had the influenza right after Christmas and it was a bad one. Blessings on you and your family! Shirley


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