Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Without a Net

This week we are operating without a net.

Hunter is two weeks old, and I am officially "on" for all the kids and our normal schedule -- the exception being that I'm not back to work yet.

Hubby is off to work, and Tracey is off to school all week, and our three middles are off to school Tuesday-Friday, and Hunter and I are the shuttle service with occasional feeding stops.

We shall see how this goes.

I am trying to focus on kindness and grace this week.  Both kindness and grace for myself and kindness and grace for the children.

We all have to get used to what this means for there to be five children and one Mama to get us all out the door in the morning.  We might be late a few times this week.  But I'm trying to take a breath and realize that this is a time of transition and adjustment...

That being said, I'm pretty sure I failed miserably with the grace and kindness on Monday.  I did okay getting Tracey off to school and all the littles to the 8:30am dentist appointments... but by bedtime, my grace was used up and the kindness had vanished.

In my defense, the twins NEED to get back to school!  
Especially Howard.

Here's praying for kinder days to come.

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