Saturday, December 14, 2019

Doing What I Do

I can’t tell you how often I hear people say “I don’t know how you do it." I frequently just smile off the comment and take it mostly as a compliment. But the truth is, I don’t know how I keep up with the kids the way I do. I can’t think about it too hard otherwise I get overwhelmed. But, frankly, I don’t know how other parents do things that they do either.

Sure, we have five children in under six years and a lot of people would not want that for themselves.  I can tell you, Hubby and I have discussed that, that we don’t know how other parents have children so spread out. There are many people that we know that have children five years or eight years or even a decade apart and that is definitely not for us. 
Yes, our house probably resembles a daycare on given days but all our children are playing with the same toys and they are very close to the same developmental level. Once hubby and I agree that our family is complete, you can bet your bottom dollar that we will be closing up the babymaking shop and starting to give away everything possible when that youngest baby outgrows it.

My life's dream has always been to be the mother of a big family. I think about life with the tiny humans we’ve created, and how I am almost entirely the primary caregiver -- certainly the commander-in-chief of our home, and it is the most exhausting and challenging job I’ve ever had. And yet I wake up every day so excited to do better and to do it again and to learn how to be a better mother to these tiny humans. 
I think some people feel that way about the job they are paid to do, their work career. I am very lucky that I have a work career that allows me to fulfill my life‘s passion which is motherhood to a large family.

But honestly, motherhood and parenthood is difficult whether you have one child or 12 children, and when you factor in living away from family, working parents, animals, and a healthy marriage, I don’t think anyone can know how anyone “does it". 
Our individual natures and how we do what we do -- the different lives we choose to have and how we live them... that’s what makes the unique personalities and God-given talents of human nature so amazing. No one knows how anyone does what they do. Hopefully, they are fulfilled in what they do and find great joy and passion in doing what no one else could. I know I do.
Although, a little more sleep might be nice.

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