Friday, December 20, 2019

Hunter Birth Story Part I

I can’t believe Hunter is already one month old. I really don’t know where this month has gone and yet he is so much more grown-up than the new born baby we had a month ago. I would like to start sharing the birth story of how Hunter came into the world before too much time passes.

I had been having contractions for six weeks prior to my due date. With Lee Lee, I began to have regular contractions on my due date in the early morning hours, and everyone had told me that with baby number four -- pregnancy number three -- first pregnancy after having twins, my labor and delivery was going to be fast and to not delay in getting to the hospital. So with Lee Lee, we did go into the hospital when I began having regular contractions and proceeded to hang out there for the next eight hours until she took her sweet time coming into the world.  Addallee‘s active labor and delivery was my longest of any of my kids.

With her  birth story as my most recent, and the details looming in my mind, I had told Hubby that I was having contractions, but I planned to ignore them until my water broke. I did not want to labor for so many hours at the hospital like the last time.

The week leading up to my due date with Hunter, I had more and more regular contractions, and even began timing some in the evenings.  But, I would always go to bed and labor would dissipate, and I would wake up the next morning ready for work with no active labor -- that was, until Thursday night, November 14.

I woke up Friday morning, November 15, and I was still having contractions that morning. Hubby took one look at my body language and demeanor during a few contractions, and he told me I should stay in bed and he was not going into work and he would take the kids to school. I did not like that plan, because every time I went about my usual routine, the contractions would diminish so I didn’t want to just lay in bed waiting on contractions that would have lessened had a gotten up and going.  We eventually made the decision that Hubby would not go into work but he and I would stay together to drop the kids off at school.
I did have to time contractions as we drove the kids to school but my active labor  dissipated throughout the morning, which I expected. Hubby and I dropped the kiddos at school, went to breakfast, got some work done, I went to a chiropractor appointment, and then we took a nice long walk.

Eventually, we went back home and I laid down for about 30 minutes before we would have to go get the kids from school. When I lay down, my labor began to pick up again and Hubby and I had to decide if he was going to get the kids from school by himself or if I was going with him. If I stayed home, and my labor intensified, he would be an hour away from me and I would be 30 minutes away from the hospital so my staying home with labor intensifying didn’t seem like the right call.

Since we had to drive right by the hospital on our way to get the kids from school, we decided that we would both go to get the kids from school and if my labor intensified, Hubby could always drop me off at the hospital either on the way to or from getting the kids from school.
To Be Continued...

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