Monday, April 15, 2019

Lee Lee Girl

Our little Lee Lee Girl is almost 18 months old and she has more sass than I remember any of our other children having at the same age.  She is also tougher and more adventures than any of my other children were at her age.

She could say "ya" pretty early -- around a year of age she started saying "ya" when we asked her a question.  Just recently, she has started saying "no"... but she says it, "NOOOOOOOOO."

She rarely wants to be carried -- she wants to walk any chance she can, and she wants to go in her own direction.

Tracey always wanted us to come with her whenever she wanted to explore. 
Howard followed everywhere Tracey went... and no further.
Caroline would only hold our hands and never explore on her own.
Lee Lee is headed for uncharted waters any chance she can.  She is leading the way and she hasn't a care in the world as to if we follow her or not. 

She is very independent and tries to do any chores that I ask the big kids to do.  When the big kids want to go outside, I usually tell them to get on shoes and coats and they can go outside... while the big kids hem and haw or argue with me about wearing a coat... little Lee Lee just toddles over to get her coat and shoes and happily brings them to me so she can go outside.

The other day, she brought me Caroline's coat.  So, I put her shoes on and then found the coat that fit her.  Addallee was okay with wearing her coat... but was insistent that she was also going to wear Caroline's coat.

She was so happy to be wearing those two coats and able to go outside and play with her brother and sisters.

I can't wait to know how God is going to use her independent and fearless personality. 


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