Tuesday, April 16, 2019

In Less Time

When you know how to do something, it can be very simple.

Tracey has had a beautiful dress with a split in the seam for two years.

We bought the dress second hand and one of the first times she wore it, I noticed the split.  The dress seam was attached at the top and at the bottom, but just had the split in the middle portion.

The dress had a flowery overlay, so the split doesn't even infringe on the modesty of the dress... it just gets caught on things. 

For YEARS I have been meaning to just stitch up the seam by hand. 

Finally yesterday I looked at the dress... and called my neighbor.

My wonderful neighbor made all of our costumes for the church Christmas Pageant herself and I was pretty sure she could stitch up this seam with minimal effort.

I asked if I could trade her her sewing services for a batch of cookies.

She of course said it would be no problem and I didn't have to provide cookies.

The kids and I dropped off the dress at the neighbor's house and then walked to our mailbox to get the mail and walked home.

BEFORE WE GOT HOME -- we were still half a block from our house, our neighbor had sent her daughters back over with the fixed dress.

She repaired that dress in less time than it took me to walk to the mailbox with my kids.

Some things really are simple if you know how to do them.

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