Friday, February 2, 2018

Different Perspective

I vaguely remember when the movie Sex and the City 2 came out.  I was in graduate school when the first Sex and the City movie was released, and I was working as a preschool director in Colorado when Sex and the City 2 was released.  Hubby and I were dating at the time but not seriously yet.

All that to say, I didn't like scene that I'm about to share when I first saw the movie.  The movie itself was funny but I didn't like this scene.

Well, a few months ago, I noticed Sex and the City 2 was coming up on television, so I recorded it.  When I re-watched this same clip nearly eight years later, I saw it through a completely different perspective, and now I really appreciate it.

Nothing like time, and four children to provide me a totally different perspective.

** Warning, the clip does have some inappropriate language **

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