Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Alaskans Now?

 As we've walked this path of moving to Alaska, I have found myself asking myself from time to time, "Can we call ourselves Alaskans now?"

Of course, not yet... but moving to a new place, we don't know what we don't know.  So, what traces must we navigate before we can claim this as our home?

We drove the Alcan highway... are we Alaskans now?

We've seen a moose in our neighborhood, just down the street.. are we Alaskans now?

We've caught halibut and cooked it for dinner... are we Alaskans now?

1 comment:

  1. Maybe after you survive an Alaskan winter? :) I have been watching and enjoying your instagram videos. Being a grandma myself I am wondering about your parents. This must be hard for them to have you and your family move so far away. Blessings!


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