Saturday, October 20, 2018


Hubby was hunting last weekend and I had the kiddos by myself.  I stayed pretty  much on top of everything I had to -- no children were lost or went hungry and we made it through the time without Hubby.

I would say the aspect of our weekly routine that suffered the most was the laundry.  No, its not what you think... I still DID all the laundry I needed to.  The problem is, it never got folded or put away.

Our guestroom is now covered in clothes -- yes, clean clothes, but clothes nonetheless as I have had to sift through the clean clothes almost daily to retrieve underwear, socks, and warm clothes for the kids.

I never thought the day would come that the way I would unwind on a Friday night would be to do five loads of laundry and fold clothes, but that's what I did last night and I feel so much better.  I still have to tackle the guestroom, but I have piles of clean and folded clothes in our basement ready to be put away (and worn) tomorrow.

All that to say... today is the Michigan v. Michigan State football game, and I am happy to say, that those outfits are clean and accounted for and ready for gameday!


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