Wednesday, December 20, 2017

The Key

I am learning a lot this Christmas about some keys to motherhood around the Holidays.
For example, the more children you have, the more Christmas presents you purchase.
Okay, that makes sense.
The older your children get, the more they notice everything -- EVERYTHING around them.  Of course, they cannot notice two matching shoes right by the door when you ask them to put their shoes on, but, seriously, these kids notice everything around the house.
That means every Christmas present that is purchased, whether its from a physical store or online has to be hidden, and hidden well IMMEDIATELY upon its arrival on the premises.
So, come the middle of December, the key is remembering where the heck you stashed all these presents that are hidden -- and hidden well.
I believe I have found most things that were stashed away... but I know I still have yet to recover one, possibly two presents which remain MIA.

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