Sunday, December 10, 2017

Coffee Pics

A local coffee shop in our area owned by two great families we're getting to know ran an Instagram context this past week.  They're starting a coffee subscription component to their shop, so you were supposed to take a picture of how you enjoy coffee at home -- because you can now enjoy Mountain Mama Roasts at home.

I decided it would be fun to participate a little in the photo contest, and truthfully, I am on such a coffee kick right now.  There are definite ebbs and flows to my coffee life, and when I have one or more newborns at home, I am in a MUST HAVE COFFEE EVERY MORNING zone.

I posted two pictures to the contest and wound up winning third place, which was a fun bonus.

Here were the two pictures I posted:

 Caption:  This one I call, "Coffee amidst chaos."

Caption:  This one I call, "Cold cozy car ride to school with kids, coffee, and corndogs."  Okay, that title was a little much.  Nine degrees this morning and no snow... Brrrr


Here were the awkward selfie picture I took that I did not post.  I apparently am not good at taking selfies with my kids and coffee...

This was actually one of my favorite pictures of me with the kids... but the darn coffee cup isn't in the picture, which was the whole challenge of the contest.

Trying to use the rearview mirror in a clever way... turns out, I'm not that artistic.

 I've taken more selfies of myself in the past three days than I have in the past six months.

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