Tuesday, November 7, 2017

My Nemesis

I didn't know I have a nemesis until the past weekend... well, I might have said Ohio State fans... but I would have mostly joking.

Well, I do have a nemesis -- its called mastitis.

Mastitis is a breast infection that nursing mothers get most often during the first three months of nursing.  Well, I've now had it twice while nursing the twins, and once while nursing Addallee and it is absolutely miserable.

Since becoming a mother, I have been sick plenty of times including but not limited to experiencing the following:
migraine headaches
stomach bugs
hand foot mouth disease
various colds, coughs, and congestion

Nothing... absolutely NOTHING takes me out of commission in motherhood, homemaking, work, family, wife responsibilities... in everything like mastitis.  I become completely incapacitated when I have mastitis.

Why am I telling you this?

Well, I came down with mastitis on Friday mid-day... and my parents left Friday afternoon as they had prior commitments... by 7:30pm Howard was vomiting... and by 8:30pm Tracey was vomiting.  By the end of the night, Hubby was less than 100% too.

Oh, what a night we had.  And what a weekend we had.

It would have been hard at any point, with our without a newborn, it would have been a very difficult weekend.  But my having mastitis made the situation infinitely worse.  Sick kids want their Mama (and Daddy)... our one healthy toddler wanted Mama... our newborn wanted Mama... Mama wanted to curl up and sleep for the entire weekend.

Thankfully Hubby's parents arrived Saturday evening, which was really good because by then, Howard was feeling well, and Caroline had been over the stomach bug for a few days so she was running circles around everyone all day.  Hubby and I were thrilled to pass the two healthy-ish twins to two healthy grandparents so we could focus on Tracey (our sickest) and Addalle... and try to fight off mastitis.

Yes, mastitis is officially my nemesis.

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