Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Brady's Birth Story Part 4

   This post will be continuing on with Brady's birth story.  You can read Part 1 here and Part 2 here and Part 3 here.

Hubby and I made the decision about 4 o’clock that I should head to the hospital.

With Hunter‘s birth story in my head, I fully hoped that we would be calling the children before their 7:00pm bedtime to tell them the baby had arrived. 

That is not what happened.

My labor slowed on our drive to the hospital, and practically stopped by the time I had checked in, got settled in a room, had my IV Lockport put in, and talked to our doctor.

Knowing it was my sixth baby, and I was dialated to about 3.5cm (so much for the progress I thought I was making by mowing the lawn, and walking the kids to the park)... everyone agreed that I should be monitored a few hours before we would decide if I would stay or go home.

About 9 o’clock at night, my labor had completely stopped.

So... we discussed the situation... should I stay or should I go?

I could have gone home and waited for labor to start again - maybe a few hours later, maybe a few days later... maybe a week later.

Or, I could stay and have the baby.

A few hours away from my due date, I was ready to have this baby, and I did not want the continued yo-yo of “Am I in labor yet?” ”Will the highway be open?” “ What if we don’t make it to the hospital?”

The doctor and I agreed that she would break my water. I was not going home, and the baby would be coming.

Once again, remember my previous births — they broke my water with the twins, and they were born within an hour. They broke my water with Lee Lee and she was born within about an hour. My water broke naturally with Hunter and he was born in less than a minute. So, I really had delusions that they would break my water, around 9:00pm, and I’d be holding my baby by 9:15 or so. Really, you’d think this was my first labor by how wrong I was. 

To Be Continued...

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