Monday, November 9, 2020

When Grammie Visits

 When Grammie visits...

She runs the vacuum cleaner every day

I always have someone I can hand the baby to when I need two hands to do something

She folds laundry all the time

She feeds the animals for me

She gets up early and is ready to help me and be with children

She stays up as late as I do (after our husbands are sleeping) and I know I'm not the only one in the house still awake

She hears children crying in the night, and gets up almost any time I do to help in any way she can

She plays hide-and-seek, and Memory, and Guess Who

She goes on walks, and takes kids to the park

She crawls in Lee Lee's little tent to have a picnic with her

She has such a special bond with whichever child is the toddler at that time... she is so helpful with the moody, temperamental toddler, which gives me a break

She loads the dishwasher and tidies the kitchen for me every night while I'm putting kids to bed

I get such a break when my mom visits -- she helps carry the mental load of running the household, and I am so appreciative.

*** Please note:  Papa is also a lot of fun to have here, and he is very involved with the children, and also a big help to me... but truthfully, there is no one else on the entire planet who is as much of a help to me when she visits as my Momma.

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