Thursday, August 20, 2020

Hunter Nicholas -- Nine Months

 Hunter turned nine months a few days ago and what a big month this has been for our little boy.

Hunter at nine months

Lee Lee at nine months

Caroline at nine months

Howard at nine months

Twins at nine months

Tracey at nine months

Comparison picture at nine months


Straight from his nine month check-up: 16 pounds, 6 ounces


Straight from his nine month check-up: 27.5" long

Clothing size: 

Almost all 12 month clothing... but honestly, I just have him wear summer clothes.  I did recently buy him an outfit and I ordered 12 months.  It is big on him, but it fits.  I'm not returning it -- so 12 months.


At the moment, Hunter can eat anything except peanuts and eggs.  He avoids all peanuts, peanut products, eggs, and food that contains either peanuts or eggs.

He eats really well for us and loves most foods.  This week, I made beef stroganoff and he gobbled that up!  He also loves rice, veggies, chicken, fruit, sweet potatoes, elk meat, tacos, spaghetti, yogurt... we have not found anything I can think of that he doesn't like.  Now that I think of it, he has some chicken fajitas and I think the spices upset his tummy a little.

He drinks water with his meal and he still nurses several times a day as well.

He has another round of allergy tests this month, and we learned he has no additional food allergies... but he does have INCREDIBLY sensitive skin.  He had a reaction to the Negative Saline Control that they put on his back -- so sometimes when his skin reactions, its just sensitive skin, not a food allergic reaction.  That has not been a fun balance to navigate, but thankfully, he is an incredibly happy baby, so we're figuring things out.


Hunter sleeps well and usually takes 2 naps a day.  He naps mid-day for about 2 hours, and again in the late afternoon for maybe 1 hour, and is ready for bed by about 8:00.  He sleeps through the night for between 11-12 hours.

New things/discoveries/accomplishments: 

One new tooth

Crawling (well, sliding/scooting -- but he moves forward on his belly and moves quickly, so I call it crawling) -- he is officially mobile

Pulling up on things

Going from his tummy to a seated position

Rolling over -- FINALLY!  This baby literally started crawling, and then realized it was to his benefit to roll over.

Lots of babbling -- We say, "Say Mama!" and he usually responds with "Dada" or "Nana"

Lots of days in the stroller while Mama walks or jogs or bikes while the big kids ride bikes

He got his first actual viral infection this month where he had a fever for a few days, and was incredibly fussy, and a few days later he broke out with a post-fever rash.  Everything was cleared up in a few days, but he was a fussy little boy for a few days.

He is still working on holding a bottle -- little guy has been nursed since the pandemic started, so when I gave him a bottle of water this month, he had no idea what to do with it.  The big kids love holding it for him, which, of course, does not help him learn to hold it for himself.


Walking in his walker


Being around his siblings

Tags -- like the silky tags on her stuffed animals


Tiny pieces of paper on the floor, which he then puts immediately in his mouth



Meal time

Waking Lee Lee up from her naps -- and trying to steal her passie

Being carried by Tracey, Howard, or Caroline



Being sick

Tummy aches

Sitting still for diaper changes when he could be crawling around

 Places He's Gone:

Special Memories

Attending a local photographer's annual Breastfeeding Awareness photo shoot.  I went two years ago with Lee Lee and it was nice to go with Hunter.  I'm sure most of the time I completely take for granted the fact I've been able to nurse five babies over the past six-and-a-half years.  I wouldn't trade it for the world, but the truth is that it takes determination, commitment, and sacrifice, and it is so kind of this photographer to appreciate and celebrate this every August with a free photo shoot for nursing Mamas.


Hunt Hunt (by Lee Lee)

Hunner (by Caroline)

Hunny (by Howard and Tracey)


Little Guy

Happy Boy


Buzz Boy

Hunt Buddy

Pictures from this month:

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