Sunday, June 20, 2010

Lexie's Father's Day Advice:

Lexie loves my dad (her "Papa"). My dad won't admit it, but he really loves Lexie too.

Lexie sent a Father's Day card to my dad that had a picture kind of like the one below where a cat is guzzling milk from old fashioned milk bottles on the outside of the card and it says, "It's Father's Day". Inside the card it says, "Enjoy a few cold ones."

Lexie also had some thoughts that she asked me to hand write inside the card:

"Dear Papa,
Lexie knows how hard you work and she thinks you should spend Father's Day taking after her. She thinks you should spend today eating, drinking, playing, taking a few cat-naps... and rubbing up against the person you love.
Happy Father's Day, Papa!
Love, Lexie"

I think my dad will get a kick out of it.

Happy Father's Day, to a great Daddy!

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