Monday, May 6, 2019

The Sound of Music

There are some experiences and milestones for our kiddos that I spend weeks, months, or even years anticipating and planing how I'd like them to go.  Things like getting their ears pierced (age 10), a big trip to Disney world, surprise activities, and starting kindergarten.

Yesterday was such a great day, and it included a milestone that meant to world to me, but I hadn't really given much thought before it happened.

After a very full day at church where I organized teacher appreciation gifts for all the teachers in the nursery, toddler, and children's ministries, we came home to a full afternoon.  I took the three big kids to the store for some Grammie Mother's Day shopping.  Then, in the afternoon, in an effort to get everyone to calm down a tad, the twins, Tracey, Grammie, Papa, and myself settled down in the family room and started watching The Sound of Music.

I thought Tracey would really like it because there are so many children in the show, and she knows some of the music because we listen to it in the car and around the house sometimes.

While musicals aren't always Hubby's favorite movies, I knew my parents would thoroughly enjoy the chance to watch The Sound of Music again, and really love getting to watch it with their grandchildren for the first time.

We watched some of the movie in the afternoon with popcorn, and then came back after dinner, bath, and pajamas to watch a little more before bedtime.  We still are only halfway through it... (when Maria returns to the Abbey).  Even Hubby joined us for parts of the movie and enjoyed the music and snuggling with the kids.

I may not even let them watch the end -- I think I might tell them the end is when Captain VonTrapp and Maria get married and save the Nazi plot for when they are older. 

It was so much fun to watch this beautiful, timeless, classic old movie with such beautiful songs together as a family and watch my children start to learn to love the movie as I did as a child.


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