Thursday, November 30, 2017


Conversation with Hubby after he's arrived home from work.  He's speaking at the top of the stairs and I'm answering him from the bottom of the stairs as the children are eating dinner.

Hubby:  Why was the nursery door locked.
Me:  Oh, right, because the kids were playing upstairs after naptime and the twins were supposed to go into their rooms to get their socks, and they kept just getting their passies and blankies out of their cribs.  So I locked the door... but then I couldn't unlock it.  Could you work on that please?
Hubby:  Yeah, I can't get it unlocked either.
Me:  Well, this might be an interesting night.

One minute later.
Hubby:  Babe... why is our bathroom door locked?
Me:  Oh, because Tracey used half a roll of toilet paper to wipe herself after using the potty after naptime and I didn't have enough time or hands to unclog the toilet with all the kids awake.  I locked the door to keep Tracey out of the bathroom because she kept repeatedly flushing the toilet trying to fix the clog.  Could you work on that please?

*Note:  Hubby was able to both unlock the nursery and unclog the upstairs toilet.

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