Monday, September 21, 2020

Hubby's Surprise Part 1

 There were a lot of parts to Hubby's Surprise 40th Birthday Celebration, so I will break up the events and the photos into a few different posts.

Friday night of Labor Day weekend, Hubby went to bed thinking that his parents were arriving the next morning from St. Louis.  Little did he know that shortly after midnight, his brother, his wife, and their three little ones would be knocking on our door arriving for a long weekend, and staying with us.

When our kiddos woke up on Saturday morning, they were so excited to see Memaw and Pepaw -- who were on their way and arrived mid-morning... but they were shocked to find Uncle Nick, Aunt Mandy, and their cousins, Silas (age 4), Scarlett (age 2), and Sloan (age 9 months).

Memaw and Pepaw arrived mid-morning (they stayed at a hotel just for the sake of comfort and space, but they were at our home from morning until night).  We had a fun day at our house getting Nick and Mandy and their crew settled at our home, and letting their kiddos acclimate to our place.  The guys went out driving in the mountains and came home with some pheasants that they had shot.  We ate them on Sunday, and they were REALLY good!

Here are photos from Saturday and part 1 of Hubby's surprise.

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