Sunday, July 12, 2020

10 On The 10th

10 Pictures on the 10th of July...

It just so happens that we were holding a garage sale that day.

Here are some pictures from early in the day...

Tracey was very excited to sell popsicles and water... an enterprise which her younger siblings happily helped her with when she got tired of selling and all of them walked away with some extra money.

Howard and Caroline are awake.

This is the third garage sale Hubby and I have done in the past two years and this is the first time we did not hire a baby-sitter or the kids.  So they were outside with us most of the day... and playing with their old toys that we were trying to sell.

Little sisters manning the popsicle table... this was around the time that Caroline told a gentleman that the popsicles were $50.00 (they were $0.50) and Lee Lee asked a different gentleman if he would like to buy a popsicle and his wife answered that yes they would, and Lee Lee responded, "I was talking to him."

About five houses in our neighborhood held garage sales this weekend (a group of four wives got the word out for anyone who wanted to have one the same day) so our kiddos stayed together and went to check out other garage sales in the neighborhood.

We were not thrilled when Howard used $5 of his own money to bring home an entire TUB of hot wheel tracks.  We had been trying to get rid of things in our home...
They took the wagon to bring it home, but it was too big for the wagon, so thankfully, one of our favorite baby-sitters helped them walk it home.

It has been SOOO HOT the past few days (99 Friday, 101 Saturday), I have been worried about Hunter staying hydrated.  He doesnt' drink water like the other kiddos, and he is at an age where he gets really distracted when he nurses.  If there is anything exciting going on around us, he will stop nursing to watch the excitement... so I grabbed some frozen breastmilk out of the freezer to give him a bottle at lunch to make sure he's drinking enough... its very clear he has not had a bottle in months because he pretty much had no clue what to do with hit... but he drank some with help.

After we closed the garage sale, I took the kids for free snow cones at the police department.  They were hosting an event to help people stay cool and to get a free snow cone from a policeman.  We went to thank them for all they do, and to enjoy the free snow cones.

Chicken noodle soup for dinner.

I copied this quote from facebook before I went to bed because I want to try to keep this perspective.

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