Thursday, April 23, 2020

Older Siblings

I absolutely love watching our little kiddos growth into older siblings.

Lee Lee was the youngest for the longest of any of our children -- and she had the most number of older siblings doting on her for her whole life.  We didn't know how she would adjust to having a little brother or sister.  Thankfully, she takes her cues mostly from Caroline, and also from Howard and Tracey, and she has done wonderfully well as a big sister.

I love the pictures I'm getting these days of our playing with and loving on Hunter.

They are reminding me of the pictures from when Howard and Caroline were adjusting to being older siblings to Lee Lee... and when Tracey was adjusting to being an older sibling to the twins.

The truth is, living in quarantine could be miserable for children.  I think about the children without siblings, or just one sibling maybe five or more years old who do not share much in common.  I imagine those households are incredibly hard -- and so much more difficult than our household, which literally has children falling over each other.

Our kids are so close in age, and there are an above-average number of them.

But, I suspect, when they look back on social distancing and COVID-19, years and decades from me, I suspect... and I hope, they will just remember adventures with their siblings.

For laughs... look at these similarities:

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