Monday, October 7, 2019


Sometimes I just don't have time to deal with sudden changes.  Sometimes things just break out of the blue and there is no time to actually deal with the broken thing... life just goes on without it.

Such is the case with my phone.

Yesterday, suddenly my phone just stopped charging.  Now, my phone was getting old and it always needed to be charged about halfway through the day depending on how much I used it during the day.  I always charge it when I'm driving because that's the best way to make sure its staying charged.

Well, yesterday, after church, the battery kept getting lower and lower despite the fact that it was plugged into the wall.

Now, thankfully, Hubby ordered me a new phone last Saturday just over 24 hours ago... so that's wonderful timing but it does look like I'll be going two or so days with no phone.

Is it sad that I cannot remember that last time I spent time completely without a phone... and certainly without having time to prep for it.

But, life goes on.

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