Sunday, August 11, 2019

10 on the 10th

I was really glad when I noticed that the 10th of the month was yesterday for 10 on the 10th because I was home alone with the kids all day with a very big project underway and I was excited for the reminder to document the day.

The kids and I painted their bedroom.

Now, I feel its worth mentioning that I've never painted any room of any home I've ever lived in before.  And I've certainly never painted a room in my home while the only parent in charge of four children under age six.  It was quite a day.

The first dozen or so pictures are pictures the kids took while I was putting down plastic and/or painting around the edges of the room.  It kept them occupied until they were able to help paint.

Then, finally, after a day and a half of prep work, they got to help paint.

Our little painting crew!

Here Caroline is scrubbing paint off Lee Lee's elbow... notice Addallee's blue hair.

Easy lunch of microwave corndogs.

Lee Lee got into about eight chap sticks while I was painting, but other than that the kids stayed relatively well-behaved throughout the day.

I was not happy that we had to run back to the store to buy another gallon of paint when I was in the middle of the second coat.  All kids fell asleep on the drive to Glenwood, but thankfully, I spoke to a very understanding, kind manager at Lowe's who mixed up the paint we needed, and brought it out to the car for us so I didn't have to wake up everyone and unbuckle everyone just for one can of paint.  We were so grateful!

We got done painting just in time to have our neighbors over for some backyard water fun... I was hoping the hose would wash off some of the paint on the kids skin and hair.

Pizza for dinner!

Four hands on my belly trying to feel baby kicks

Ready for bed in their painted room... tomorrow we put the furniture back where it belongs.


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