Monday, February 25, 2019

Valentine's Day

I never fully shared pictures from our little Valentine's Day celebration.

It took me several drafts, but I was pretty happy with this little collage of pictures that I shared on facebook Valentine's mornings.  What wonderful Valentines I have.

Here is a collage of the Valentines my kids made for Hubby and they gave them to him the night before because he was away at a conference on Valentine's night.

The kids were invited to bring one big Valentine to the entire class (as opposed to a little Valentine for everyone).  So they each painted the hearts, choose the picture, and helped with writing and glitter and hearts.  Lee Lee gave her Valentine to her baby-sitter. 

Our three big kids are in the same preschool class, so it made a Valentine's party much easier on me than if they were all in separate classes.  They helped their teachers make a delicious squash soup and they all wanted to sit by me.

At home, they all had a Valentine card from Grammy and Papa, a couple Valentine's presents from me, and a surprise Valentine package from two Aunts in St. Louis.
What a fun day!


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