Friday, January 4, 2019

Twin Outing

On January 2nd, the day after their third birthday, Hubby and I were able to take the morning and take both twins, and only the twins to a Mall in St. Louis for an adventure.

We started at Build A Bear workshop where each twin was able to choose a stuffed animal to make.  Howard chose Chase from Paw Patrol, and Caroline chose Skye from Paw Patrol.  They had a great time making their stuffed animals, and giving them voices, and hearts, and outfits.  What fun.


Frankly, I'm not sure which was a more of a hit with the twins -- the Build-A-Bear experience of the mall escalators.

After making their stuffed animals, we took them to lunch.  Caroline is developing a special love for selfies and taking pictures.

It was fun to get to have an experience with just the twins and give them attention and an adventure without their older and younger sisters. 

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