Thursday, October 11, 2018

Addicted to Outdoors

Our weather has officially changed to fall, which is awesome.  It feels like fall and we need layers and coats and sometimes hats.  However, this year, the colder weather has been accompanied by day after day of rain.

So, last week the kids were still outside every day at school (very muddy...and in multiple outfits every day) and then we were outside a few times on Saturday.  But we haven't played in the yard at our house for about a week and today, it was ALL our kids were asking to do.

Forget the fact that I took them up to a "Tumble Time" in Glenwood Springs to try to run and jump some energy out... nope, after we got home all our kids were asking to do was go outside.

Now, I LOVE that they want to be outside, and they insistently ask to play outside.  I love that they don't care about how wet or cold or muddy it is outside... but it does not make for a clean house.

We officially have kids addicted to the outdoors... so we bundled up and played outside.


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