Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Not Saying Anything

So I'm not saying anything... but post-studying braille tonight, I learned the following:

You Are a Seahorse

You are a powerful and graceful creature. You always keep your wits about you.

Most people consider you to be lucky. You have been especially fortunate when it comes to romance.

You are friendly and generous. You enjoy spreading the wealth around, especially to those down on their luck.

You are calm and persistent. If you're faced with a problem, you know the most important thing is to not give up.


You Will Be A Traditional Bride!

You're the type of girl who is feminine, old fashioned, and totally traditional.

You've been dreaming of your wedding day since you were young

And you can't wait to be a princess in your big white gown.

It's likely that you'll have a big family wedding and take your husband's name

While a huge affair will be fun, just don't go all Bridezilla about the color of your napkins!

What are you doing to waste time... I mean release stress these days?

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