Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Gusty Winds

When we get gusty winds in our area, which often happens -- usually in the afternoons and sometimes into the evening and night, I can feel the wind even from inside our sturdy house.

I sense the push on the windows, hear the howling at the doors, and practically feel the walls standing firm against the tremendous gusts of wind.  In these winds, I do not doubt the strength of our home.  In face, when I see the tress blowing outside or our recycling flying down the street -- yes, that happens, I am overcome with gratitude for our strong house and sturdy home.

I will frequently say to the children, "We are so fortunate to have this strong house to protect us from these winds."

Yet, when strong winds blow in my life -- uncertainty, job loss, unsure of what to do in parenting, I do not look to God in the same way I have gratitude for my strong house amidst gusts of wind.  So often, I timidly ask God for his Will to be done, but then cower in fear of what His Will might be, because it might be a disaster.  Or, I pray to God to fix a situation, then I still am wrought with stress as I try to solve the problem myself.  I would say I rarely, if ever, feel the winds of life blowing around me and simply say, "I am so fortunate to be in God's Will to protect me from these winds and guide me through these winds."

Do I have more faith in my home than I have in God who blessed me with this home?

I surely hope not!!!

He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, [my safe home when gusty winds blow], in whom I trust.
Psalm 91:2


  1. Beautifully said, thank you for the timely reminder!
    God bless :)

  2. Thank you for sharing these thoughts! Life is very stormy for many people in many different ways right now. Trusting God is the only way through! Blessings, Shirley

  3. Thank you for sharing these thoughts! Life is very stormy for many people in many different ways right now. Trusting God is the only way through! Blessings, Shirley


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