Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Happy Birthday Caroline & Howard!!

Age Four
A Few Things About Caroline
Caroline loves to help she is such a natural caregiver. She loves children who are younger, babies, or even taking care of her older sibling. Some of her favorite things to do are helping make dinner or bake or cook in anyway we will let her, feeding the dog and cat, unloading the dishwasher, and vacuuming. She also loves to set up a kitchen or restaurant using her a little toy dish sets and she takes orders and serves her siblings and keeps a very tidy restaurant for them. She is very sensitive and less adventurous than some of our other children. She watches and considers the situation before she wants to be a part of the adventure. She also likes to sing in the car and she's in her second year of dance class.  She truly is our Sweet Caroline.

A Few Things About Howard

Howard is always ready for adventure. His feet do not walk -- they run and jump. He’s full of energy and all boy. He loves playing baseball, basketball, and wrestling around our house and trying to do flips on our trampoline.  He has played two seasons of soccer and after one year of dance, he informed us that dance is no for him.  He enjoys hot wheels, superheroes, action, and excitement. He also loves to help make dinner and can apply himself very diligently to a task when he wants to. He is meticulous and loves puzzles.

The Twins

These twins continue to share a special bond that none of our other children do. They may not always play together but they always come back to each other. They can recognize each other‘s cries and each other‘s voices and they are very linked even though they have found their own interests this year. They also know how to push each other‘s buttons in a way that no one else does. We pray they remain very close friends throughout the course of their lives.


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