Thursday, October 3, 2019

Preggers V: 33 Weeks

How far along?  33 weeks, 5 days

 33 Weeks with Tracey

33 Weeks with the Twins

32 Weeks with Lee Lee... because I didn't take a picture at 33 weeks
How I am feeling? 
I was feeling really good over the weekend.  I got a lot of projects done, and packed my hospital bag and started to feel like we had our routine down and things were going well... then a few mornings ago I woke up with horrible sciatic pain in one leg... and it kind of hasn't stopped.  So that's not good news.
How big is the baby?  The size of a bunch of celery... 17.2 inches, 4.19 pounds
Sleep: I love sleep.  Sleep is such sweet perfection.

Boy/Girl Predictions: Nope... just predicting a baby.

Baby Nicknames: Baby 
  Best moment this week: I had a doctor's appointment this week and my belly was measuring a little small (which has never happened in any of my previous pregnancies) so my doctor took a quick ultrasound to make sure the baby is still doing well.  He/she is doing great, and is measuring within two days of his/her due date, so that was great news.

Food cravings: Mixed berry pie.  That sounds amazing.

Missing:  Days when my leg did not hurt.

Movements:  Yes, and I love them but they've changed.  My hunch is that the baby has dropped down lower into my pelvic area because the movements are lower, and I'm just all in all less comfortable.  If the baby has dropped -- which I find unlikely -- it really means nothing because Howard dropped around 32 weeks and didn't budge from that position until 36 weeks when I delivered the twins.  Lee Lee never dropped... even in active labor, she didn't drop.  She literally did not drop until she was pushed from the womb.

Labor Signs:  Not yet, thankfully.

General Attitude: I feel like I need to get things done.  I have the hospital bag packed, and I have two little drawers ready to go -- one with boy clothes and one with girl clothes.  All the boy and girl clothes are sorted and labeled for birth to age two and I know where to find them.  But the bassinet is not ready, the guest room is not ready, and many work projects are not ready.  I feel like I need to get things done... and I need to GET RID OF THIS LEG PAIN!
What I am looking forward to this week:  Less leg pain -- PLEASE!  And getting more projects checked off my list.
Milestones: Well, whenever this baby is born, it will be the largest age difference between our children.  Tracey and the twins are one year and 49 weeks apart, and we have officially over that age difference for Lee Lee and this baby.  Her birthday is in less than three weeks.

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