Sunday, September 8, 2019

So Worth It

Its been so wonderful to back in Missouri to celebrate the life of Hubby's grandmother.  We have chosen to live in Colorado, and we love our life there... but the truth is, Hubby is from a very close-knit family.  His parents, and all of his siblings, cousins, and aunts and uncles are all in the St. Louis area... 

It was hard to make the decision to drive cross country (a day and a half drive there, and a day and a half back) for two-and-a-half days there... but is is exactly where we needed to be.

We had to scramble to find a sitter (we were so fortunate to find a wonderful one... but we paid a lot for her) for visitation... and then we had to work hard with logistics for our children during the funeral and cemetery and post-funeral gathering... then we headed back toward Colorado... but it was so worth it.

I really cherish Hubby's family because my family is so extended.  My siblings were decades older than I... half of my cousins were decades older than I... and we never lived near any family.  All of our family was out of town... most was out of state.

I really appreciate Hubby's family and I enjoy their company.

For events like this, I appreciate having a sister-in-law and brother-in-law as we work together to support our spouses -- the grieving grandchildren.  I appreciate the bonus visit of a trip to see family that we were not expecting.

So often, when we come to St. Louis all of the family is still balancing work... which still had to be done a little... but less so.  Everyone is off work for at least a day or two because we are grieving as a family and figuring out the logistics of funeral events. 

Its just so nice to be with our family to celebrate the life of the matriarch of the family.

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