Friday, May 18, 2018


Frankly, Fridays have been a little anti-climatic in our home for the past four years when our local school district switched to four-day school weeks for budgetary reasons.  Thursday is the new Friday around here.

Now, our kids still go to school on Fridays, and I still work on Fridays but the whole situation doesn't have the same "TGIF" feeling that I grew up with.

That is... until TODAY!!!

Oh my gosh this has been an absolutely insane week both at work and at home and trying to do both.  I've worked more than double what I'm actually paid to work this week, and had to write two really big reports, and lead to really big meetings with special ed directors, special ed teachers, school principals, my boss, and parents I don't know well for two new students.

It was a stressful week.

Today is my last meeting for the week... and even if it weren't... ITS FRIDAY!!!!

All work stops for the next two days!!!



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