Monday, January 23, 2017

Family Selfie-Stick Pictures

I am not of the generation who understands "selfies."  I have taken selfies before... but to get group pictures with friends -- like "groupies" instead of "selfies."

In fact, I'm old enough to remember actually turning the old fashioned film camera around to try to take a group picture only to have to wait days, weeks, or months to have the film developed to find out if you positioned the camera even close to correctly so that anyone from the group is actually in the group shot you were trying to take.  I am that old.

I think I can count on one hand the number of times I have taken a true "selfie" of myself, and it was usually because I was about to get a haircut, so I wanted a picture to show the "before" hair... and even those pictures just make me laugh because they look so fake.

All that being said, when the "selfie-stick" first came out, I scoffed.  Why did people need longer arms to take even more self-obsessed pictures of themselves?

No, I admit... I get it, and a selfie-stick was the only thing I wanted for Christmas this year.

With a family of three, we were still able to take cute family pictures of the three of us using a cell phone from the distance of my hubby's arm.  With a family of five, suddenly we didn't all fit in the picture -- and when I was home alone with the kids it was really hard to take a group shot.

So my wonderful hubby bought me a selfie-stick for Christmas.  It took a little while to get here due to some shipping issues, but finally, a few days ago, we got a selfie-stick and can now all fit in a cute cell phone picture again.

Here are the old selfie family pictures:

Here are the selfie-stick family pictures:  

Tracey wouldn't sit still for a picture... but we were able to snap a shot while she was running by


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