Friday, October 4, 2013

Friday Letters: YAY FRIDAY!

  • Dear Friday, This is my LAST Friday in Austin, and I am SO excited!  But, unlike other practicum placements, I'm not excited because I'm counting down the days to go home... I'm excited because I have worked really hard this week, and I'm excited for Friday Fun with my Austin friends, and then an awesome Austin weekend ahead.  That is such a nice feeling!
  • Dear Baby Jitterbug, I absolutely LOVE feeling you move around in my belly.  I can tell you're bigger than you were last week because I feel pokes and jabs higher up in my stomach than before.  I will say, it makes me a little nervous to think about how big and strong you're going to get.  These tiny, gentle pokes will be a distant memory soon.
  • Dear Practicum Lessons, I video-taped my LAST practicum lesson yesterday and I'm SOOOO happy to have it done.  I still have to do several written assignments about the lesson I taped, but I SEE THE LIGHT at the end of the tunnel, and it is not an on-coming semi... it is really a light that I am almost done with this entire O&M certification.
  • Dear Hubby, I GET TO SEE YOU IN SIX DAYS!!!!!
  • Dear Michigan Football, You boys have not been playing too well this season.  I know your record is 4-0... but we want your wins to be impressive... not depressing.  Let's try to work on that, please.
  • Dear Lexie, Your daddy tells me that anytime you hear my voice on speaker phone and facetime, you come running to the phone.  That is the sweetest thing, and I miss you too, Lexie Girl!
  • Dear Lloydey, Have a great time out camping with Daddy this weekend, and keep each other safe.
  • Dear St. Louis Cardinals, Congrats on the start of your post-season.  World Series or Bust!
  • Dear Austin Weather, I've appreciated the chance to fashion some summer maternity clothes while I'm here... so I'll cherish my last 6 days in your heat and humidity... but I will be glad to return to my beautiful Colorado October snow storms very soon.
  • Dear October, Welcome Friend.
  • Dear Fellow Interns, It has been fun getting to know you.  You'll all be here longer than I will, but I hope we have a few more chances to hang out before I head out.

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1 comment:

  1. Stopping by from Friday's Letters! I am sure you are enjoying the warm weather! I dont know if I could live in Colorado! That is just too cold for me. Congrats on your little bun in the oven! This time will fly by! Have a great weekend!


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