Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Thankful Thursday: Mighty To Save!

On this Thankful Thursday, Happy Thanksgiving!

Before I write my Thanksgiving post, PLEASE PRAY F
OR "ELLIE". She is one of my students and the county is in the process of finding a permanent adoption home for her. PLEASE PRAY that she will be placed in the PERFECT home, which God is preparing for his beautiful child.

Today I am very
thankful for many things, but I want to focus on one theme:

1. I am thankful my God is Might To Save! He promises He is Mighty To Save.

2. I am thankful for the Word. I am thankful that the Word is Truth. I am thankful that I own a Bible. I own SEVERAL Bibles. For thoughts about the abundance of Bibles in our country, read What is Lost Living In Abundance?

3. I am thankful for where I live. I don't think you have really experienced the full blessing of the song, "Mighty To Save" until you have sung this song in the mountains. When you hear a room full of Christ-followers singing the words, "Savior, He can move the mountains..." it is amazing. We live in the mountains. We have learned to live among the mountains and RESPECT the majesty of the mountains. When we travel, we are prepared because the mountains can be ferocious. They house wild animals and hide dangerous storms. But when we sing that our Savior can MOVE the mountains... we have a deep understanding of what we are claiming. I am thankful I live here.

4. I am thankful for songs that declare the glory, goodness and promises of my God. Of GOD. He is not just my God... He IS God. I drove from Vail to Eagle back to Vail yesterday (30 miles and 2000+ vertical feet) and I sang how my God is mighty to save and He does move the mountains.

5. Lastly, I am thankful my God moves in the lives of His children and communicates with them.

Paul is coming to Vail for Thanksgiving with my parents even though I've told him not to come. He recognizes that time is not on the side of our relationship and he feels it is in our best interest as a couple to spend these holiday days together.

Your prayers are appreciated as I predict we have several intense and emotional days ahead.

Above all, we both want the Will of God.
We also want our hearts protected.

Our Father is Great and Mighty. He will move these days. I just don't know which direction He will move.

Thank you for your prayers.

For more Thankful Thursday on this beautiful Thanksgiving, visit Truth 4 Today.

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  1. Thank you for visiting today and your kind comment. Your place is interesting, and seems like you have a lot to think about at present.Thought: 22years ago I met a guy as my life was about to change drastically- my East Africa work permit had expired, and he was Kenyan so couldn't live or work in Ireland. Seemed like it was doomed to failure. 21 years married and three daughters later I would say 'Yup! God works miracles!' Whatever God wants best for you He'll make happen...its true!

  2. I've enjoyed checking out your blog. Have a merry Christmas in those beautiful CO mountains!


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