Friday, November 30, 2018


We are still working our way through the scads of Halloween candy the kids received this year.

Last night, the children were choosing two pieces of candy each for dessert after dinner.  Howard was asking questions about different pieces before he made his choice, and I pointed out to him the Sixlets candy.  He had gotten in trouble the day before because he was supposed to be putting his blanket in his room, and instead he went into Daddy's drawer in his bedroom and ate some of Daddy's Sixlet candies.

I pointed out the Sixlets to Howard because I thought he might enjoy eating some when he wouldn't get in trouble for it.

Tracey didn't miss a beat saying,
 "Howard should call them Snicklets because he sneaked to get them." 

It was the first time she really surprised me with something so clever on the spot.  My baby girl is really growing up. 

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

List of Lists

Why yes, I find it very comforting and organizing to make a list of my lists... don't you?


Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Just Yesterday

Lee Lee is loving the extra attention of having Grammie and Papa here for a few days.  One of her favorite activities is walking over to the bookshelf, choosing a book, taking it to Papa, sitting in his lap and contentedly turning the pages of the book while he reads to her.  At the end of the book, she will climb down, and walk to the bookshelf for another book, and repeat the routine.

Papa loves the time with her, and commented how it feels like just yesterday when Caroline used to consistently do the same thing.

Monday, November 26, 2018


I snapped a pictures over the week of Thanksgiving vacation that I feel like perfectly encapsulates my vacation...

In this picture, you see frivolous Christmas lights up in my family room, which makes me smile so much.  You also see several baskets of clean laundry just waiting to be folded.  This was my vacation.

My work never stops -- all of them.  The demands of my teaching job never stops.  The demands of my college teaching job never stops.  I now have a children's ministry job, which never stops.  And the demands of homemaking, motherhood job absolutely never stops.

Except when I just stop.

Over this Thanksgiving break, I actually took a vacation from pretty much all of it.

I took time off from most of my jobs.  I also gave myself a break with my regular motherhood chores, and instead I took some time to do the seasonal jobs that I LOVE!  I LOVE decorating my home.  (I also love Hallmark Christmas movies... which is playing on the television under the lighted moose.)  Decorating is not work to me... but it can be stressful if I let my regular jobs take priority over my Christmas jobs and Christmas joy.

You know what?  The clean laundry stayed in those baskets in our family room for about 48 hours... but it eventually was folded and made its way to everyone's drawers.  And I was so much happier while folding it in the light of these Christmas lights. 

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Little Hunters

We have four little hunters excited for their daddy's elk hunt... but it'll be a few more years before they can join the hunt.


Saturday, November 24, 2018

Friday, November 23, 2018

Thanksgiving Happenings

We had a great Thanksgiving... here are some pictures from our fun day.

 Good Morning!

Ready for the Little Gobbler Turkey Trot

On Your Mark!  Get Set!  Go!

Our oldest was the first across the finish line... and was pretty emotional to end the race.

Shortly behind his big sister, was Howard, happily running to the end and immediately asking, "Do I get my doughnut now?"

Caroline insisted that Grammie run... well, stroll with her.  When I cheered for her and told her how close the finish line was, she happily trotted to the end with a smile.

Medals for everyone.

We had another family join us for dinner, so we had 12 people total, and this was the Kids Table.

Hubby's dad arrived when we were serving dessert because he and Hubby are headed out hunting soon.  He got to join us for the last part of dinner and spend time with the kids before bedtime.  He's also going to spend all day tomorrow with us before he and Hubby go hunting.


Thursday, November 22, 2018

Happy Thanksgiving

I have so much I am Thankful for... 

words really cannot express how incredibly blessed I feel to be the wife of my husband, and the mother to our four healthy, amazing, precious children.  I am living what has been my heart's desire for so many years. 

In addition, to live in a free country, and to worship the Creator of the Universe who knows me by name, who knows the number of freckles on my face and hairs on my head... who loves my children more than I do -- words really cannot express this and so much more I have to be thankful for.

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Monday Morning of Vacation

Yesterday was the first day of our week off work for Thanksgiving... which felt AMAZING!  Hubby has been working 28 days straight (Mondays - Fridays and Saturdays and Sundays) which means I have been working my three normal jobs and had the kids full time for the last 28 days straight...

It has been a long stretch and we need a break.

All that to say, we were so excited for our first Monday morning to sleep in a little bit.

This was our bed at 6:45am...

We were actually both awake before the kids invaded, but we didn't expect the whole household to be up and going... and invading our bed before 7am.

Hubby didn't like that I took the picture... but the truth is, there is no more joyful way to start our vacation.  These children are our world and my husband is amazing, and it was the perfect way to start the week of Thanksgiving.


Monday, November 19, 2018


Howard created three handprint turkeys at school the other day.  You can see them in the foreground of the first picture -- they are sitting on the counter in between Caroline and the waffle maker.

 When I dropped him off at school, I saw the turkey handprints, and in an effort to make Howard laugh, I said, 

"Howard, what did you make?  Oh, I know.  They're alligators."

Howard replied, "No they're not."

I said, "Oh, you're right.  They're dinosaurs."

Howard replied, "No they're not." 

Before I could say another word, Caroline pipped up and said,

"They're handprints."

So true.  There is no arguing with this girl.

Sunday, November 18, 2018

How They've Changed

On one of our walls, we have growth charts for each of our kids.  Every year, I change out the picture of them and I keep the old pictures behind the current one.  This year, I couldn't believe how our twins have changed over the past two years.

Saturday, November 17, 2018


Our kiddos are in our church Christmas pageant... and, oh yes, I am directing our church Christmas pageant, so we are practicing, practicing, practicing all the time these days.

Here are the hand motions for Away In The Manger... and this is my test to see if these pictures would work as a hand-out for toddler parents so they can practice the song and hand motions with their toddlers at home.

Away in a manger

No crib for a bed

the little Lord Jesus

lay down His sweet head

the stars in the sky

look down where He lay

the little Lord Jesus

asleep on the hay.


Friday, November 16, 2018

Conversations with Tracey

Mama: What happened guys?  There is no room left in this bathtub.  Have you grown extra legs when I wasn't looking?

Tracey:  Well, maybe we've been growing because you feed us every day.

Mama;  Hmmm... you might be right.  I guess we should stop feeding you every day.

Tracey:  Mama!  No!


Thursday, November 15, 2018

Not The Only Mother

Please tell me I'm not the only mother who sits down during nap time to fold laundry... and gets a little sidetracked by the simple siren song of putting my feet up... with a snack and Grey's Anatomy on the ipad.


Wednesday, November 14, 2018


I saw this picture on instagram and it just took my breath away.

I just want to take a moment to pray for all these first responders in California... but really everywhere who run in to disasters and danger when all others are fleeing for their lives.  Thank you, Lord for these men and women.


Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Little Girls

"Mama.  Look, I have beautiful earrings!"

I love having little girls!